The Joy of a Clothing Valet


    Two things are often true of dandies, we love putting together an ensemble and we are rarely morning people. An often-stated piece of advice, on how to improve your mornings, get out of a style rut, or be more organized, is to set out your clothes the night before. This is very useful for our type. Selecting an outfit the night before leaves time for experimenting, trying things on, selecting the best accessories.

    Having chosen the perfect things to wear it is wonderful to have a place to keep them organized and tidy (who wants to iron or steam first thing in the morning?). This is where a clothing valet comes in. I use the Nikkeby from Ikea.

I find it best suited for the range of clothes I wear. It provides me a place to hang the main pieces of my outfit and two shelves, one to place my jewelry (I keep a small decorative tray on the shelf for this purpose) and another for my shoes. It also has pegs that I use for my underwear, scarf, bag, and my travel steamer. And the red accents the walls of my dressing room nicely while giving a slightly hard edge to the space.

    There are many valet options, from traditional to highly stylized architectural styles. Choose one that makes you smile as you place your clothes on it, that seems as stylish as you are.  


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